Improve Public Services and Health

We create systems to improve public services through end-to-end issue handling mechanisms and improve health through large scale peer-to-peer communication campaigns.

Our Impact

On Healthcare and Public Services
1800 +
Pieces of information on Covid-19 shared by citizens during the pandemic to improve community health
98 %
Say AtmaGo help to share and report information in the village, enabling communications between the village office, officers, and community
1839121 +
Views of localized information on healthcare and public services which are shared by citizens
100 %
Say Atma’s Complaint Handling Mechanism system provided a tool for monitoring citizen complaints for health facilities and public services improvements
100 %
Officials embraced feedback from residents as a way to improve services

AtmaGo as a citizen complaint service platform is very helpful in improving health services. We’ve already seen services improved as a result of complaints.

Herwanto, Yayasan Eska Unggul, Brebes

Our Approach

Atma has developed online systems to help social service providers reach and serve populations. For example, during the height of the COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia, the AtmaGo peer-driven communications network offered community-wide information about the pandemic, vaccines, where to go for treatment, and how to avoid misinformation. Atma collaborated with psychological associations to provide citizens online psychological counseling. For healthcare providers, it developed an online complaint handling system that managers used to identify and address service inadequacies.
How we solve this issue
We conduct large scale, peer to peer communication campaigns to achieve documented behavior changes in the population that improve health and achieve social good outcomes.
We deploy end-to-end issue handling mechanisms that cost-effectively and seamlessly enable health care providers, government, and agencies to rapidly respond to complaints, needs, and issues.
We create trainings and tools that activate and empower citizens to engage in solving local problems through collective action and government engagement.

Atma Tools for Healthcare and Public

Atma Connect has developed solutions for improving health and public services. We created a comprehensive information platform to share vetted, peer-to-peer, and official information on Covid-19. This information reached over 3 million people, and 85% in a survey said they changed their behavior to slow the spread of Covid. We also created a free tele-counseling program to serve women and youth affected by the pandemic, and saw a 3.5 average reduction in the subjective unit of disturbance post to pre-counseling. 

We have also created systems to improve public health services through effective complaint handling. This was focused on improving maternal and neonatal health and mortality in public health centers. 

Covid and Health Services

User Engagement and Behavior Change
During the Covid-19 crisis, Atma created Covid-19 microsites that provided critical information during many stages in the crisis, including where to get ambulances and oxygen, free telecounseling for women and youth, peer to peer behavior change information to address vaccine hesitancy and address misinformation.
Since the outbreak of the pandemic, over 4,000 community-generated articles on COVID-19 have been posted, and viewed over 1.5M times. 85% of people reported that they changed their behavior to slow the spread of COVID-19 based on information from AtmaGo.

Complaint Handling Mechanism

Tracker System for Services and Needs

We created an innovative Complaint Handling System, in use among public agencies in Indonesia, that allows citizens to easily report complaints and aspirations regarding public services, and includes a custom dashboard for the responding government agency to manage and resolve complaints.

The entire end-to-end technology infrastructure is lightweight and user-friendly, so citizens can easily, through a few clicks, report a problem, and so staff within the Government agency can easily track incoming complaints, assign responsible staff, and resolve and respond to the issue.


Local Platform and Network
AtmaGo is an award-winning platform for people helping people on mobile web and Android that enables locally organized peer-to-peer communication. AtmaGo provides personalized feeds based on a user’s location and topic interests.

AtmaGo enables residents to share information about health and health resources. Additionally, early warnings on AtmaGo were found to prevent mortality and morbidity in a situation of disaster. An independent evaluation found that people took early action as a result of these warnings, leading to estimated savings of 6,000 years of healthy life per year per million people. AtmaGo has reached over 9M+ people with actionable, life-saving and social impact content.

Our Previous Projects on
Healthcare and Public Services

Examples of previous projects

Public Service Platform

Complaint Handling Mechanism for Public Services

We created an innovative Complaint Handling System, already in use among public agencies in Indonesia, that allows citizens to easily report complaints and aspirations regarding public services. We also created a custom dashboard for the responding government or agency to easily track, manage, and resolve complaints.

What they say about Atma's work in
Healthcare and Public Services

Testimonies from our clients and users